The vital stats of the Beta Chapter are the core of everything we do. They keep us in touch with the health of our fraternity, much like when we visit the doctor, it is important to check in on the vital stats every once in a while. With your support, we are able to help fund repairs around the house, perpetuate the future of the chapter, alumni reunions, and alumni communications.
We are four months into the 2022-23 give year, and here is where we currently stand.

Total raised as of 1/6/2023: $6,330
CLICK HERE to donate and help us achieve our goal
Number of donors this year: 25
Number of missing alumni emails: 603
Number of missing mailing addresses: 403
Check out our Lost List pages–lost email addresses, lost mailing addresses, and lost email and mailing addresses–and send us any updates you have!
With the start of the new year, and our give year ending on 8/31/2023, we are hoping that with your support, we will exceed our Annual Fund goal for this year and clean up the lost lists!