President Letter

With the start of the Fall 2021 semester kicking off, we are excited to bring back our monthly e-newsletter to keep everyone up to date on the latest Beta Sigma Beta news and updates. Our alumni board has been working very closely with the Beta Sigma Beta undergrads and specifically with the executive team to make sure we are set up for a great semester.

There are a lot of exciting changes as we look forward, one of which is our website. We are in the process of modernizing our website to allow for a more valuable and interactive experience. As we go through the development updates, we hope we can count on you to help keep it relevant.

This initiative, as well as others, will be in partnership with the Beta Sigma Beta undergrads. The executive team, led by chancellor Ari Kasman, has been working tirelessly to get things in order coming off an unusual last school year.

As we plan out the rest of the semester, including alumni events, we will be communicating with everyone through our newsletters as well as the revamped website. We are looking forward to a great semester and 2021/22 years.

Please let us know if you have any updates or things that the broader alumni should know by emailing us at


Author: betasigmabeta