Scott Granoff and Jeff Stein Recognized for Work Done with Beta Sigma Beta

Scott Granoff and Jeff Stein are IFC chapter advisors that genuinely care about the growth and development of the chapter members of Beta Sigma Beta. Jeff stepped up to co-advise with Scott when Beta Sigma Beta was sanctioned for repeated code of conduct violations. They were key in navigating a membership review, which left the organization with an all sophomore membership and worked from scratch to help restore the culture and reputation of the fraternity.

Over the last year and a half, I have seen a phenomenal transformation with the chapter primarily due to Scott and Jeff’s role modeling, leadership, and investment in the new members of Beta Sigma Beta. They have been communicative, willing to learn, and above all, collaborative and transparent. Scott and Jeff go beyond what is typical. Their relationships with the undergrads are based on trust and integrity. These relationships are not just to assure the chapter survives – they are investing their time to prepare them for life-long engagement in Beta Sigma Beta through leadership training, career preparation, and personal development. I firmly believe that the undergrad chapter of Beta Sigma Beta would not exist today without the guidance and advising of Scott and Jeff. They have helped to transform their chapter’s leadership and culture. The chapter is now engaging and participates in standards training with OFSL and OSC. During the training, it’s apparent that the chapter members have the highest level of respect for Scott and try to emulate the leadership qualities both Scott and Jeff demonstrate.

Being IFC chapter advisors is challenging, and potentially draining, but Scott and Jeff have gone beyond their chapter to offer themselves as a resource to other IFC chapter advisors who are finding their chapters in situations similar to what they encountered before Beta Sigma Beta’s transformation.

Author: betasigmabeta