Nathan Buckler ’16: Where Are You Now?

We recently reached out to brothers asking for updates on what they have been up to since Penn State, and you had a lot to say! Thanks to Nathan Buckler ’16 for letting us in on your life! Here is what he had to say.

Who do you still hang out with from Beta Sigma Beta? 

I am currently living in New York City, and have lived here for five years since I graduated in 2016. Beta Sig remains a huge part of my network. More than half of my pledge class (fall 2012) lived in NYC at one point and we would regularly get together for dinners, PSU sports events, and concerts. I’ve had countless happenstance run-ins with other brothers while walking on the streets and it’s always fun to take some time to catch up. 

Are you advancing your education or working in your dream career? What hobbies and talents continue to bring you joy? 

I currently work for an Asset Management firm as a risk and compliance associate and participate in the Beta Sig Mentorship program. In my spare time I enjoy learning guitar and going to concerts and sports events. Even though the Jet, Mets, and Knicks are perpetual losers, I still believe!

Basketball is a huge part of my life, and I regularly play with other Beta Sigs (younger and older). I’ve played in a league with Max Album (Fall 14). I still play in a league with Jesse Korn (Fall 11). And a few years ago I played on a team with Zach Altman, Jason Laderman, Adam Jaffe, and Jared Reiner (Fall 09) and we ended up winning a championship. It would be impossible to list everyone I’ve played with in NYC over the past years, but it probably stretches 10 pledge classes.

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